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Do You Let Out an Overseas Property?

Make sure you are fulfilling your UK tax obligations. In 2014, HMRC has signed up to an international agreement to share details of financial accounts with over 100 countries and we have seen HMRC increasingly using their new powers.  Combined with ever more sophisticated data analysis software, HMRC are certainly flexing their muscles. When we…Read More

An overview of upcoming changes to vehicle taxation

To meet climate change targets the government needs to increase the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the road. To meet these targets changes have been made to vehicle taxation, including providing a range of incentives. These incentives include the introduction of new Benefit in Kind (BIK) bands for EVs and enhanced capital allowances for…Read More

Guest blog – Five Reasons why now is a Good Time to Invest in Property

Hartley Fowler work with external consultants who complement our services, such as Eyeedul Haque of My Property Consultant, who has kindly provided us with the below guest blog.   With the stamp duty holiday coming to an end in late March, a suite of vaccines giving hope to the longer-term economic outlook, and the UK…Read More

Tax considerations for staff entertainment in 2020

This Christmas season is likely to look a little different to previous years. In normal years, December tends to be a busy month for festive get togethers with staff, business partners and suppliers. Whilst there are many options for holding a virtual event instead of an in-person one, some employers may simply decide to cancel…Read More

Guest blog – Equity markets and US Presidents

Hartley Fowler work with Financial Services Providers who complement our services, such as Gem & Co Financial Services LLP in Wimbledon, who have kindly provided us with the below guest blog. The final days of Donald Trump’s Presidency are turning out to be a somewhat unedifying affair. Enough said. Yet when it comes down to…Read More

Your questions answered around working from home

The Coronavirus Pandemic and ensuing lockdown has forced many people to work from home, with some employers even having decided to get rid of their offices completely and continue operating with a remote workforce. Working from home has triggered some frequently asked questions by employers and employees alike, so in this blog we’ll provide answers…Read More

R&D Tax Claims: Is Your Business Receiving its Full Entitlement?

A guest blog by Bonham & Brook Just over twenty years ago, the UK Government introduced the R&D Tax Scheme to incentivise those who actively push through technical uncertainty at their own financial risk. In March of this year, the government also announced that they plan to invest £22 billion per year in R&D over…Read More

Top tips for starting a business in a recession

With the UK and global economies now officially in a recession, nobody knows what the next few months hold for business owners. Some industries such as retail, hospitality and leisure have been hit particularly hard, with redundancies and closures reported on an almost daily basis. Many businesses are fighting for survival, and yet, there are…Read More

Future proofing your business post lockdown

With some of the government support schemes due to run out over the next few months, we take stock of how different businesses have fared in recent months, and look at future-proofing strategies to help businesses navigate an increasingly uncertain future. Business owners have gone from initially trying to just survive the lockdown months to…Read More

An update on the COVID-19 government support schemes

In this video, Managing Partner Paige Collins provides an update about the various government support schemes available during the COVID-19 pandemic. She discusses how they have been received and accessed by businesses, now that they’ve been live for a while. Paige also answers some viewer questions.

A Guide to the new Off-Payroll Working (OPW) Rules

By Dan Chapman, Director Introduction You may have heard about upcoming changes to the off-payroll working rules expected to come in to effect this year, from 6 April 2020. Please note that as of 17th March 2020, this has been delayed to 2021 due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. If you are a sub-contractor operating via…Read More

The history of cloud accounting and future predictions

By Kevin Depper, Director of Online Services Here at Hartley Fowler, we have made it our business to keep up-to-date with changing technologies. Providing our clients with the most efficient solutions is our driving force, and this includes cloud accounting. When exploring the history of cloud accounting, it is important to look at the rise…Read More

10 steps to future proofing your business

Changing landscape In times of economic and political uncertainty, many business owners are looking for strategies to help them prepare for changing times, and to enable their business to make it in the long run. And for good reason as the stats don’t look great: All businesses need to consider future proofing. In recent years,…Read More

‘Tis the season for Giving – Gift Aid and Tax Relief

The lead up to Christmas is a popular time for charitable donations. In fact, November and December are peak months for giving, largely due to established fundraising campaigns, as a recent study into Giving showed. Although there are now fewer people giving money to charity, those who do give are giving more money than before.…Read More

What Is An EOT? A Guide to Employee Ownership Trusts

 Advice from Leading EOT Accountants What is an EOT? An Employee Ownership Trust or EOT is a form of employee benefit trust. It offers generous tax reliefs to encourage shareholders to sell a controlling interest in their companies and promote employee ownership. EOTs were introduced by the government in 2014. Why choose an EOT? An…Read More
