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Compliance Solicitor Services 

Hartley Fowler is proud to have provided solicitors with accountancy services for many years. Today, solicitors’ practices make up a significant part of our client base. This experience has given us the ability to offer solicitors a comprehensive range of tailored accountancy and compliance services

Solicitors who hold client money are required to meet the Solicitors Regulation Authority code of conduct (“SRA”) on an annual basis, within six months of their year-end. Our expert team has the necessary experience to carry out compliance assistance work under the SRA Accounts Rules 2011. We provide our solicitor clients with an Accountants’ Report for ultimate submission to ensure SRA compliance, together with other necessary documentation and feedback.

Additional Compliance Assistance Services for Solicitors

In addition to compliance services, we can provide practice budgets and cash flow forecasts to assist solicitors in making informed financial management decisions concerning their practice. The UK economy is, at best, unpredictable and the provision of timely monthly or quarterly management information may provide the solicitor with the essential information and confidence to take their business forward.

We also provide annual practice accounts. The format of the solicitors accounts will depend to a large extent on the structure of the practice. For an unincorporated practice they can be tailored to provide the solicitor with as much detail as is required, ensuring SRA compliance.

Many solicitor practices have changed significantly in recent years. Partnership arrangements have become more complicated and some practices have elected to merge with other firms or limit the partners’ liability by incorporating the practice into a Limited Liability Partnership. If this is something that you are considering then please contact a member of our team.

Next Step: Call our Compliance Assistance Experts

Please call us to discuss our compliance services. Alternatively, for tailored compliance assistance advice, book a free initial consultation with one of our experts. 

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